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New York State

State Map

New York State is a beautiful place with many things to do, like go visit one of 58 wild orchards kept in the state.Theres 70,000 miles of streams and lakes in all of New York State.Not only are there streams and orchards there are also huge citys like New York and Albany.

map of new york

State Flag

The flag of New York State is a unique flag and definatly different from the rest of the states flag.Just like its flag the motto is also unique it is"Excelsior" which stands for "ever upward".The state bird is an Eastern Bluebird and the state flower is a Rose.


Facts and Information

Did you know that New York State shares a name with New York City although New York State was first.Did you also know that the capital is Albany instead of New york? New York State is home to over 20.22million people and is the most densly populated state in the U.S.A!

big crowd

In New York, t most popular dessert is Blackout Cake and it costs around $38.Seems expensive right?The average income is $82,000 but to be considered rich you would have to make $150,000 a year.The richest man in New York State is Micheal Bloomburg with around 59 billon!He can definitly buy plenty of blackout cakes.

Made by: P Erickson

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All rights reserved:P Erickson